Home News New record high in Austia’s job vacancies in 2022

New record high in Austia’s job vacancies in 2022


In 2022, Austriaʼs enterprises reported an average of 206 500 vacancies, 41.4 % more than in the previous year. As the results of Statistics Austriaʼs Job Vacancy Survey further show, the search duration of enterprises has also increased significantly and the share of vacancies in all available jobs has risen.

“In 2022, an average of 206 500 jobs in Austria were unfilled. The number of vacancies was thus not only 41.4 % above the previous year and 61.1 % above the pre-pandemic level of 2019, but also reached the highest value ever recorded. The job vacancy rate – thus, the share of vacancies in all available jobs – also rose to 4.8 %, further indicating shortages in labour supply. Most of the job offers were in the service sector last year. But the demand for personnel was also high in production,” says Statistics Austria Director General Tobias Thomas.

In the course of the year, the number of vacancies reached its annual high of 218 100 in the third quarter. 202 700 vacant positions were reported in the first quarter, 206 300 in the second and 198 800 in the fourth quarter. The job vacancy rate 2022, with its annual average of 4.8 % was by 1.2 percentage points higher than in the previous year 2021 and 1.7 percentage points above 2019. 63.6 % of all job offers were reported to the Public Employment Service (AMS).

Increase in job vacancies in all economic branches

All branches of the economy recorded by the Job Vacancy Survey reported more vacancies in 2022 than in the previous year. In the service sector there were 123 800 vacancies. This corresponds to an increase of 44.9 % compared to 2021 and of 62.5 % compared to 2019. 52 500 jobs were vacant in the manufacturing sector (+30.5 % in comparison to 2021 and +60.6 % in comparison to 2019) and 30 200 in the public sector (+47.9 % in comparison to 2021 and +56.4 % in comparison to 2019). Service and sales workers (21.8 %) as well as craft related trade workers (19.5 %) were sought after particularly frequent.

At 83.5 %, the majority of the vacancies were advertised as full-time positions.

36.4 % of all vacancies or 42.4 % of the vacant full-time positions had an expected gross monthly income of at least 2 400 euros. 37.6 % of the vacancies (full-time positions: 41.1 %) offered a salary of 1 700 to less than 2 400 euros and 15.1 % (full-time positions: 9.6 %) offered a salary of 1 000 to less than 1 700 euros. 9.8 % of all vacancies, or 5.9 % of full-time positions, paid less than 1 000 euros.

40.5 % of the vacancies requested a compulsory school leaving certificate or no minimum school qualification from applicants. 32.2 % were looking for employees with an apprenticeship certificate. 11.1 % of all vacancies required a matriculation examination and 10.3 % a higher education qualification.

Search duration increased markedly

The search duration also provides an indicator for tense situations on the job market. In 2019 and 2021, respectively, an average of 21.6 % and 20.6 % of all vacancies were advertised for less than one month. This was the case for only 11.9 % of the job offers in 2022 (see Table 2). 16.7 % of the vacancies had a search duration of at least six months (2019: 12.1 %; 2021: 12.9 %), and 27.9 % were permanent postings (2019:26.7 %; 2021: 21.6 %).

Source: statistics Austria
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