Home News House sales in Turkey decreased by 37.9% in January 2021 compared to...

House sales in Turkey decreased by 37.9% in January 2021 compared to the same month of the previous year


House Sales Statistics, January 2021

In Turkey, house sales decreased by 37.9% in January 2021 compared to the same month of the previous year and hence, became 70 thousand 587. For the house sales of January 2021, İstanbul had the highest share of house sales with 19.4% and 13 thousand 666 sold house. The followers of İstanbul were Ankara with 6 thousand 635 house sales and İzmir 4 thousand 63 house sales with the share of 9.4% and 5.8% respectively. The least house sold provinces were Hakkari with 10 house sales, Ardahan with 16 house sales and Bayburt with 31 house sales.

House sales, January 2021

Number of house sales, January 2020-2021

In January 2021, 10 thousand 732 ownership of the houses changed by mortgage sales

The mortgaged house sales throughout Turkey became 10 thousand 732 by decreasing 74.6% compared to the same month of the previous year. House sales with mortgage had a 15.2% share of all house sales in Turkey. İstanbul has the highest mortgage house sales in Turkey with 2 thousand 338 sales and with the share of 21.8%. The least mortgage house sales were realized in Ardahan and Bayburt with 1 house sales. Mortgaged houses sales were not sold in Hakkari and Şırnak.

Ownership of 59 thousand 855 houses changed by other sales

Other house sales in Turkey became 59 thousand 855 by decreasing 16.1% compared to the same month of the previous year. In the other sales, İstanbul was the first province with 11 thousand 328 sales and 18.9% share. Other house sales had 82.9% share of all house sales in İstanbul. Ankara was the second province with 5 thousand 375 sales. Ankara was followed by İzmir with 3 thousand 291 sales. The least other house sales was realized in Hakkari with 10 house sales.

House sales by type of sales, January 2021

In house sales, 22 thousand 268 of houses were sold for the first time

First house sales in Turkey became 22 thousand 268 by decreasing 38.2% compared to the same month of the previous year. First house sales had 31.5% share of all house sales in Turkey. The most first house sales was in İstanbul with 3 thousand 746 sales. İstanbul was the first province in Turkey ranking that had most first house sales share with 16.8%. The followers of İstanbul were Ankara with a thousand 649 house sales and İzmir with a thousand 233 house sales.

Ownership of 48 thousand 319 houses changed by second hand sales

Second hand house sales in Turkey became 48 thousand 319 by decreasing 37.7% compared to the same month of the previous year. In the second hand sales, İstanbul was the first province with 9 thousand 920 sales and 20.5% share. Share of the second hand sales was 72.6% in İstanbul in total house sales. Ankara was the second province with 4 thousand 986 sales and Ankara was followed by İzmir with 2 thousand 830 sales.

House sales by state of sales, January 2021

House sales by type of sales, January 2020-2021                      House sales by state of sales, January 2020-2021

In January 2021, 2 thousand 675 houses were sold to foreigners

In house sales to foreigners became 2 thousand 675 by decreasing 31.5% compared to the same month of the previous year. İstanbul was the first province with a thousand 380 sales in January 2021. The followers of İstanbul were Antalya with 462 house sales, Ankara with 179 house sales, Mersin with 131 house sales and Bursa with 75 house sales.

House sales to foreigners, January 2021

Most house sales were made to Iran citizens according to country nationalities

In January, Iran citizens bought 459 houses from Turkey. The followers of Iran were Iraq with 385 house sales, Russia with 260 house sales, Afghanistan with 168 house sales and Yemen with 88 house sales.

    House sales by nationalities in country detail for top 20, January 2021

The next release on this subject will be on March 15, 2021.

Source: TurkStat
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