Home Statistics Labour Force Statistics, December 2021

Labour Force Statistics, December 2021


In the Household Labour Force Survey as of January 2021, simultaneously with the European Union (EU) countries; new regulations have been made in order to comply with the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) Resolutions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the relevant EU regulations. With the 19th ICLS, supplementary indicators were defined in addition to employment and unemployment in order to better follow the developments in the labour market. These supplementary indicators, which are published by the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), have started to be included in this press release.

Labour Force Statistics, which are published monthly as three months moving averages in currently, have been published as independent monthly estimates since 2021. Detailed information on the new regulations can be found in the metadata.

Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate realized as 11.2%

The number of unemployed persons aged 15 years old and over increased by 2 thousand to 3 million 794 thousand persons in the December 2021 in Turkey compared to the previous month. The unemployment rate occurred as 11.2% with 0.1 percentage point decrease.

Seasonally adjusted employment rate realized as 47.0%

The number of employed persons increased by 236 thousand to 30 million 141 thousand persons in the period of December 2021 compared to the previous month. The employment rate occurred as 47.0% with 0.3 percentage point increase.

Seasonally adjusted labour force participation rate realized as 52.9%

The number of persons in the labour force realized as 33 million 935 thousand persons with 238 thousand persons increase in December 2021 compared to the previous month. Labour force participation rate was 52.9% with 0.3 percentage point increase.

Seasonally adjusted main labour force indicators, 15+ age, December 2021

Seasonally adjusted youth unemployment rate was 20.8%, employment rate was 34.1%
 The youth unemployment rate in the 15-24 age group was 20.8% with 1.6 percentage point decrease compared to the previous month and the employment rate was 34.1% with 0.6 percentage point increase. The labour force participation rate in this age group realized as 43.0% with 0.2 percentage points decrease compared to the previous month.
Seasonally adjusted main labour force indicators, 15-24 age group, (%), December 2021

55.4% of seasonally adjusted employment was in the services sector

 In December 2021, while the number of agricultural employment decreased by 10 thousand persons, industry increased by 108 thousand persons, construction increased by 5 thousand persons and services increased by 134 thousand persons. According to the distribution of employment by sector; 16.8% was employed in agriculture, 21.7% was employed in industry, 6% was employed in construction and 55.4% was employed in services.

Seasonally adjusted composite measure of labour underutilization rate realized as 22.6%

In December 2021, the rate of composite measure of labour underutilization consisting of time-related underemployment, potential labour force and unemployment was 22.6% with 0.5 percentage point increase compared to the previous month. While combined rate of time-related underemployment and unemployment realized as 15.4%, combined rate of unemployment and potential labour force realized as 18.7%.

Seasonally adjusted supplementary labour force indicators, December 2019-December 2021

Unemployment rate realized as 11.3%, employment rate realized as 46.0%

Unemployment rate realized as 11.3% with 1.7 percentage point decrease compared to same month of the previous year. The number of unemployed persons decreased by 195 thousand persons to 3 million 749 thousand persons compared to same month of the previous year.

Employment rate realized as 46.0% with 4.3 percentage point increase compared to same month of the previous year. The number of employed persons estimated as 29 million 550 thousand persons with 3 million 223 thousand persons increase compared to same month of the previous year.

Labour force participation rate was 51.9% with 4.0 percentage point increase compared to same month of the previous year. The number of labour force estimated as 33 million 298 thousand persons with 3 million 27 thousand persons increase compared to same month of the previous year.

The rate of unregistered employment in the non-agricultural sector was 18.3%

In December 2021, the rate of unregistered employment, which indicates the share of employment who are not affiliated with social security institution in total employment realized as 27.8% with 0.1 percentage point decrease compared to the same month of the previous year. The rate of unregistered employment in the non-agricultural sector realized as 18.3% with 0.5 percentage point increase compared to the same month of the previous year.

Source: TÜİK Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.

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