Home News Households allocated the highest share to housing and rent expenditures in Turkey

Households allocated the highest share to housing and rent expenditures in Turkey


Household Consumption Expenditures, 2019 in Turkey

According to the results of the 2019 household budget survey; while the expenditures on housing and rent had the highest share in total consumption expenditures with a rate of 24.1%, the share of expenditures on food and non-alcoholic beverages took second place with 20.8% and transportation expenditures took third place with 16.5%.

The groups which had the lowest shares in total expenditures were health with 2.2%, educational services expenditures with 2.5% and entertainment and culture expenditures with 3.1%.

Distribution of household consumption expenditures by expenditure types (%), 2018, 2019

The monthly average consumption expenditure per equivalent adult was 2 465 TL

Consumption expenditure per equivalent adult is obtained by taking into account household size and composition in order to make consumption expenditures of households comparable.

The monthly average consumption expenditure per equivalent adult was estimated as 2 181 TL in 2018 and 2 465 TL in 2019.

The share of food and non-alcoholic beverages in total expenditures had the highest increase

According to the results of the survey, the share of food and non-alcoholic beverages expenditures increased from 20.3% to 20.8% with 0.5 percentage points compared to the previous year. The share of alcoholic beverages, cigarette and tobacco expenditures increased to 4.3% from 4.0%. The share of clothing and footwear was 5.0% in 2019 while 4.8% in 2018. The share of housing and rent increased to 24.1% from 23.7%, entertainment and culture increased to 3.1% from 2.9%, educational services increased to 2.5% from 2.3% and various goods and services increased to 5.1% from 4.9%.

On the other hand, the share of furniture and houses appliances decreased to 6.4% from 6.5% compared to the previous year. The share of transportation expenditures decreased to 16.5% from 18.3% with 1.8 percentage points and also the share of communication decreased to 3.6% from 3.8%.

The share of health expenditures and restaurant and hotels expenditures remained unchanged from 2018 to 2019 with 2.2% and 6.5% respectively.

Change of expenditure shares by expenditure types (%), 2018, 2019

Meat, fish and seafood has the highest share in food expenditures

While meat, fish and seafood expenditures had the highest share in food and non-alcoholic beverages expenditures with 19.4%, bread and cereals expenditures was 17.8%, vegetables expenditures was 16.6% and milk, cheese and eggs was 13.9%. Expenditures on other food products had the lowest share in food and non-alcoholic beverages expenditures with 2.3%. The share of coffee, tea and cocoa was 3.2% and non-alcoholic beverages was 3.8%.

  Distribution of food expenditures (%), 2018                                   Distribution of food expenditures (%), 2019

Share of food expenditures of low-income households was twice more than high-income households

When looking at the distribution of consumption expenditures by quintiles ordered by income in 2019, it was observed that the share of housing and rent was 31.2%, food and non-alcoholic beverages expenditures was 30.7%, transportation expenditures was 9.0%, furniture and houses appliances expenditures was 5.3% for households in the first quintile (the lowest quintile).

The share of housing and rent expenditures was 20.1%, transportation expenditures was 20.0%, food and non-alcoholic beverages was 15.3% and restaurant and hotels was 8.1% for households in the fifth quintile (the highest quintile).

Distribution of consumption expenditures by quintiles ordered by income (%), 2018, 2019

Expenditure patterns changed according to main source of income

While households whose main source of income was wages and salaries allocated 22.4% share for housing and rent, 19.0% for food and non-alcoholic beverages and 17.7% for transportation, household whose main source of income was entrepreneurial income allocated 20.4% share for housing and rent, 19.8% for food and non-alcoholic beverages and 19.2% for transportation.

Distribution of household consumption expenditure by main source of household income (%), 2019

The next release on this subject will be on July, 2021.

Source: TurkStat
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