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Tag: rental

What are the exceptions for rental income?

The amount 4.440 TL of rental income from house for the year 2018 is exempted from income tax. If persons, who gain rental income...

What is the basis for low or no value for rental...

Low Or No Value For Rental Income “Equivalent rental value” is taken as bases in case of low or no value for rental income. According...

How to obtain the rental income?

OBTAINING OF RENTAL INCOME Obtaining of rental income is bound to collection principle. In order to tax the rental income in accordance with the collection...

What are the property and rights that are subjects of rental...

What are the property and rights that are subjects of rental income? Property and rights which are subjects of rental income are defined in Article...

How is declaration submitted when rental income of previous period is...

How is declaration submitted when rental income of previous period is collected? 1- HOW IS DECLARATION SUBMITTED WHEN RENTAL INCOME OF PREVIOUS PERIOD IS COLLECTED? Submitted...

How Tax deduction is made from rental payments?

How tax deduction is made from rental payments? The person renting goods and services according to the Income Tax Law, article no.94, has to deduce...